2MT-4XXX Series User Guide

If Local is selected, information about the PTZ protocol, bit rate, etc. needs to be filled in. The possible protocols to choose from are: PELCO_D and PELCO_P.

Picture 35 411w410h

PTZ Control Window and PTZ Management Window

Picture box 37 76w58h

1.Click on the window toolbar. The PTZ Control window appears. See PTZ Control Window Buttons for detailed descriptions.
2.Picture box 39 76w44hClick the Set button. The PTZ Management window appears (can also be opened by clicking Camera > PTZ).

Table 5-1 PTZ Control Window Buttons




Control the rotation direction of the PTZ camera or stop rotation.

Adjust the zoom, focus, and iris of the PTZ camera.

Note: You can also zoom in or out using the scroll wheel on your mouse.

Control the rotation speed of the camera. 1 means the slowest, and 9 means the fastest.

Click to display the PTZ Management window.




Turn on/off the light.
Turn on/off the wiper.
Use 3D positioning.
Turn on/off the heater.
Turn on/off the function to remove snow.
Turn on/off PTZ shortcut operations.


Check that the 3D positioning, heater and snow removal functions are supported by the camera before using.
Use 3D positioning to zoom in or out. Dragging from top down zooms in. Dragging the other way zooms out.

Preset button.

0 30

Save the current position and status of the camera as a preset.
Call a preset so the PTZ camera goes to the preset position.
Delete a preset

and  are displayed for saved


presets only.

Preset Patrol |

Recorded Patrol

Preset patrol, recorded patrol and auto guard. For detailed information, see Setting a Preset Patrol, Setting a Recorded Patrol, and Setting Auto Guard.


Start or stop.

Setting and Calling a Preset

A preset position (preset for short), is a saved view used to quickly steer the PTZ camera to a specific position. A preset consists of the following settings: pan and tilt positions, zoom, focus, and iris.

1. Access the PTZ Management window. For the detailed steps, see PTZ Control Window and PTZ Management Window.

Picture box 41 91w20h



























Picture 42 394w236h


2.Add presets.
a.Click the directional buttons to steer the PTZ camera to the desired position.
b.Adjust the zoom, focus, and iris as needed.
c.Select a preset number not in use, and then click s under


d.Repeat the above steps to add all the presets.
3.To call a preset, click for the corresponding number. The camera rotates to the preset position.


Presets can also be triggered by alarms. See Alarm-Triggered Actions for details.

Setting a Preset Patrol

Set the PTZ camera to patrol by presets (go from one preset to the next in specified order). You need to set presets first and then select some as

keypoints. Up to four patrol routes (Preset Patrol 1, 2, 3 and 4) are allowed for each PTZ camera, and each patrol route can have up to eight presets (keypoints). After setting presets, follow the steps to set a preset patrol. The following takes preset patrol 1 as an example.

1.In the PTZ Management window, click + . A window is displayed as follows.

Picture 43 378w109h

2. Select a preset from the drop-down list, set the duration (time the camera stays at the preset, unit: second), and then set the rotation speed (1: slowest, 9: fastest). Click OK to save the settings. The preset is added as a keypoint, as shown in the figure below.



Picture 44 382w183h


3.Repeat the above steps to add all presets (keypoints), and adjust the sequence of these presets by clicking  or  . Modify or delete

a preset by clicking  or ^ . Clicking Uli will delete all the added


4.After completing the configuration, click Apply to save the settings. Now keypoints for preset patrol 1 is complete.
5.Click * right to the drop-down list to start preset patrol 1. To stop, click .


The duration ranges from 0 to 1800 seconds (default: 10). The rotation speed ranges from 1 to 9 levels (default: 5).

Setting a Recorded Patrol

This function requires the camera’s support. The drop-down list and the buttons on the right are hidden if this function is not supported by the camera. Currently only one recorded patrol route is allowed.

Record a patrol, including the patrol route, the time that the camera stays at a certain direction, rotation speed, zoom, focus and focus.

1.Click to start recording. Steer the camera to the desired directions, adjust the zoom, focus, iris as needed during the process.

2. Click to stop recording. All the patrol actions have been recorded.

Picture 45 319w58h

3. To start the recorded patrol, click * . Click to stop.


Setting Auto Guard

Use auto guard so the PTZ camera automatically operates as configured if no operation is performed by any user during a certain time period. Auto guard avoids situations where the camera is left to monitor incorrect scenes by user’s negligence.

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